Welcome to PIC
All data files, records, documents and images, regardless of virtual
forms and characteristics, originally created, generated (downloaded) or
received, and/or transmitted to and from by the Pacific InterContinental
College’s (PIC) Administrative Office, Academic Departments and its
faculty in the conduct of their official business functions, operations,
transactions and other activities, become the exclusive property of PIC.
As such, they not destroyed or removed from the creating units
(workstations) without the approval of Management in consultation with
or upon the recommendation of the Archivist.
The Management, in consultation with the PIC Archivist, should retain
these records in the PIC archive (server unit) until further
classification, qualification and determination results to its
determination and decision of their permanent or non-permanent values.
All data files, documents, records and or images (including designs)
originally created, received, or generated (downloaded) by the creating
units (work stations) should, therefore, be saved and released to the
server unit of PIC under the care of the Archivist for preservation and
administration for current and future accesses, use and
Once such materials are transmitted or transferred to the archive
(server unit), Management should have prompt access to them. However,
the Archivist, shall from time to time, determine the retention or
disposability some data files and shall duly inform and advise
Management, as well as the creating units (work stations), of their
respective usability or disposability from the archive (server unit) and
their consignment to external data drives or discs (back up files) to
avoid clogging of data and ensure better data storage capacity of the
archive(server) unit, as well as to ensure the regular, efficient and
organized storage of data files.
The Archivist shall from time to time reproduce some data files
electronically or optically at the instance and instruction of
Management for security, preservation, research and other official
purposes. The Archivist may accept historical materials of any medium,
including textual records, photographs and other visual records, maps,
plans and architectural records, sound recordings and oral history
tapes, artifacts and other multi-dimensional objects. The Archivist will
only accept materials on a permanent basis, except when borrowing
materials for short-term loans to reproduce/microfilm or to include it
for displays or exhibits.
1.1 The PIC archive (server unit) administered to make records available
on equal terms of accessibility in accordance with the standard
professional policy and archival practices. Equal access, however, does
not mean that all records are open for any research purposes.
1.2 The PIC Archivist holds the responsibility of balancing the
researcher’s official need for access, in conformity with applicable
laws regarding freedom of information versus the need for the privacy of
persons or the confidentiality of information on persons and
institutions whose activities documented in the materials.
1.3 Restrictions imposed on the designated classes of data files of
information for a specific period made available only to the origin of
such data files of information upon the approval of Management.
The following is a list of general restrictions applied to certain types of archival materials:
For donated records/information, such restricted information, may be disclosed only to the donor, his/her assignee or authorized representative, pursuant to the provisions of the Donors Deed of Donation or Agreement. In addition, time restrictions on the use of these records will be imposed as follows: