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Pacific InterContinental College (PIC) is duly accredited as a Higher Education Institution (HEI) to provide higher education and offering degree programs both online and offline. PIC는 SEC에 온라인과 오프라인을 통해 고등학위를 제공할 수 있도록 적법하게 등록되었습니다.

As such, in 2006 and 2007 the CHED issued the certificate authorizing to operate various higher education degree programs through the online mode in accordance with CHED Memorandum Order 2003 to the PIC. PIC는 고등교육부에서 다양한 고등교육학위를 제공할 수 있도록 인가를 받았습니다.

Likewise, the PIC is now duly authorized to conduct and operate Bachelor of Science in General Education degree program pursuant to Government Permit No. 010, Series 2010 and Commission on Higher Education (CHED) confirmation dated June 18, 2012. For graduate programs, PIC is also duly authorized to conduct and operate the Master of Arts in Education and Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership and Management degree programs pursuant to its Government Recognition No. 020, Series 2011, issued by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). PIC는 고등교육부로부터 일반교육에 관한 학사,석사,박사학위를 수여 할 수 있는 인가를 받았습니다.

Furthermore, PIC has the following degree program and additional major: BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN GENERAL EDUCATION Major: Speech Communication, Social Welfare, Educational Management, Music, Physical Education, Real Estate, Theology, Math, Special Education, Early Childhood Education. MASTER OF ARTS IN EDUCATION Major: Speech Communication, Social Welfare/Social Work, Educational Management, Music, Physical Education, Real Estate, Theology, Math, Special Education, Early Childhood Education. Filipino, Science, Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE), Values Education, Social Studies, Elementary Education. PH.D. IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Major: Speech Communication, Social Welfare, Educational Management, Music, Physical Education, English, Computer, Art, Theology, Math, Special Education, Early Childhood Education. Filipino, Science.

PIC is also authorized to offer Bachelor of Arts in English program pursuant to Government Recognition since 2016.PIC는 또한 고등교육부로부터 오프라인으로 영어학학사 프로그램을 제공할 수 있는 정부인가를 2014년도에 취득하였습니다.

PIC-USA, one of allied institutions in consortium with PIC Philippines for consortium courses, is authorized, licensed, and registered by the United States government to conduct & operate elementary to post-secondary educational institution on a web basis since 2002. PIC-USA operates independently from PIC Philippines as per governmental law. PIC Philippines 등과 공동 학위 수여 기관 중 하나인 협력 기관 PIC-USA는 2002년 미국 정부로부터 온라인으로(web base) 고등교육기관(학사,석사,박사) 및 중등교육기관을 운영할 수 있는 인가 및 등록을 받았습니다. PIC-USA는 인가정부의 법에 준하여 독립적으로 적법하게 운영되고 있습니다. The official website for PIC-Philippines is pic.edu.ph. This website does not represent other PIC schools including PIC-USA, unless specifically stated therein.

Finally, PIC is authorized to accept international students in accordance with AAFS No. SBM-2014-028.PIC는 법무부로부터 외국 학생들이 학생비자를 발급받아 학업을 할 수 있는 허가를 받았습니다. 각국의 PIC학생들은 현지 유학 및 연수를 목적으로 PIC를 방문할 시 합법적으로 신분이 보장되고 체류를 할 수 있습니다.